How Do I Transform

While salvation is instantaneous, sanctification is a process, and this day-to-day progression of growing in faith must never be seen as a journey to perfection. Jesus is the only Person to walk the earth and live without sin. Even after the great change that the new birth brings, the work of transformation must be facilitated by a continual renewing of our minds. As we grow in love and obedience to Christ, we can experience fewer occasions of sinful thoughts and behaviors. Still, we can never be naïve about the situations and temptations that seek to pull us into old habits and mindsets that are inconsistent with our new life in Christ. Fortunately, God recognizes that we live in a fallen world, and He is mindful of our humanity. Therefore, He has made provision by promising that if we acknowledge any sinful thoughts or acts, He will be faithful to forgive and cleanse us. This, of course, is not a license to sin, but rather an encouragement to turn to God,  turn away from the lure of the world, and continue toward a life of maturity in Christ. (Heb. 4:15; Rom. 12:1-2; Ps. 103:8-14; 1 John 1:9)